Here's what brilliant living hq is all about
Hi there, we're thrilled you're here. We're Kathryn and Julian, the founders of Brilliant Living HQ and if you want:
CONGRATULATIONS - You're in the RIGHT place! Here's why:
at brilliant living hq we believe you can
Harness the amazing POWER of your MIND to help you get what you want in life.
CREATE the right MINDSET to change what you don't like into what you do like, achieve your desires and live life to the full.
Develop HABITS and WAYS of THINKING to support change, happiness and success
Use your brilliant BRAIN to work for you, not against you.
TRANSFORM your life and business through your THOUGHTS, SELF-BELIEFS and ACTION.
what we do
We don't promise you a perfect life, who would want that anyway - sounds boring, but we do bring you:
We love taking our learning and experience of the best ideas and techniques, presenting them to you in simple, actionable steps and creating tools that make it easier for you to put them into practice straight away. Through our products, award winning podcast, self-beliefs and habits to create a life or business you love.
Meet the team

Hello from Julian
We're all the sum of our experiences so here's a quick insight into what's brought me to here.
Following stints in the competitive worlds of commercial theatre management and private business training, and the rarefied atmosphere of the British Council, I exchanged work in a hospital theatre for a vocation in a lecture theatre and entered the realms of potential and possibility where I have resided ever since.
If asked what connects the strands of my experience, I'd say People and the Potential.
I'm talking about the teams I've led and the young people and adults I've had the privilege of working with in over twenty years in education and training. From teaching thousands of college students (I've a Bachelor of Education Honours degree) to setting up and running a college radio station. From heading up a Media team to a team developing volunteering opportunities. And from leading a team mentoring young people from deprived backgrounds to helping them realise the Life Changing benefits of university and continued education. It's been about helping people reach their potential.
That's why Brilliant Living HQ is a natural extension of what I love doing - and I'm here to help you use the brilliance of your mind to live a brilliant life you love.

Hello from Kathryn
And I'm an eclectic mix of business and education.
Cutting my teeth in hospitality and running pubs, I realised my entrepreneurial spirit owning businesses in retail, sports and property.
Moving into the wonderful world of education and training I pioneered online tutoring in the early days of the internet, helped business owners understand new technology, worked with governments, schools and colleges on education and funding policy and connected the worlds of business and education to increase skills and apprenticeships.
Through this time, I've lead, mentored and coached fantastic teams. I've experienced what makes people tick, and the thrill of helping people grow and succeed.
With 3 degrees (BSc Hons, BA Hons, MA) and a postgrad teaching qualification (PGCE) it's true to say I love learning and its power to change lives. But real learning for me is not about qualifications but about the choices that understanding ourselves brings.
I love it best when all the elements come together to help people be the best they can be in business and life. Which is why I love what I do now.